Who is Timuquan Lodge 340 ...
Timuquan Lodge
340 is the National Honor Society for the Scouts and Scouter's of the West Central Florida Council. They have been an
officially chartered member of the Order of the Arrow since 1946. The lodge is full of a very old and rich tradition. All
members past and present have contributed to make this lodge the great lodge that they are. Timuquan Lodge 340 has always
been in the excelling in the inductions side through our National Honor Ceremonies and their Singing and Drum Team, which
was the "1994 National Champion Drum". On the administrative side of things they were selected as the 1999 National Service
Award recipients given to two lodges in each region per year. Their main focus though, is providing "cheerful service" to
our two camps; Sand Hill Scout Reservation and Camp Soule. They have four chapters : Arpeika (Twin Rivers District),
Hiyaraba (Caulsa District), Yayi Yaha (Osceola District) and Outina (Skyway District).
Please click on link below to see pictures from past outings.